Curriculum Vitae

James (J.T.) Erbaugh’s CV: PDF

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Erbaugh, J. T., Callahan, C. W., Finger-Higgens, R., DeSiervo, M., Bolger, D., Cox, M., and Howarth, R. B. (2021). “Sociotechnical equilibrium and transitions.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 33-41.  PDF

Sahide, A., Fisher, M. Erbaugh, J. T., Intarini, D., Dharmiasih, W., Makmur, M., Faturachmat, F., Verheijen, B., and Maryudi, A. (2020). “The boom of social forestry policy and the bust of social forests in Indonesia: Developing and applying an access-exclusion framework to assess policy outcomes.” Forest Policy and Economics, 120, 102290. PDF

Snyder, Hunter T, and Erbaugh, J. T. (2020). “Fishery observers address Arctic fishery discards.” Environmental Research Letters 15(9): 0940c4. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T., Pradhan, N., Adams, J., Oldekop, J. A., Agrawal, A., Brockington, D., Pritchard, R., Chhatre, A. (2020). “Global forest restoration and the importance of prioritizing local communities.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 1–5. PDF

Harbi, J., Erbaugh, J. T., Widagdo, F.R.A., Mauri, J., Supriyanto, S., Milantara, N. (2020). “Three generations of forest peoples’ empowerment in Indonesia: The process towards sustainable and equitable forest management. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropis, 26, 91–104. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T. (2019). “Responsibilization and social forestry in Indonesia.” Forest Policy and Economics, 109, 102019. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T., Bierbaum, R., Castilleja, G., da Fonseca, G. A., & Hansen, S. C. B. (2019). “Toward sustainable agriculture in the tropics.” World Development, 121, 158-162. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T., & Nurrochmat, D. R. (2019). “Paradigm shift and business as usual through policy layering: Forest-related policy change in Indonesia (1999-2016).” Land Use Policy, 86, 136–146. PDF

McGrath, F. L., Erbaugh, J. T., Leimona, B., Amaruzaman, S., Rahadian, N. P., & Carrasco, L. R. (2018). “Green without envy: how social capital alleviates tensions from a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) program in Indonesia.” Ecology and Society, 23(4), art10. PDF

Harbi, J., Erbaugh, J. T., Sidiq, M., Haasler, B., & Nurrochmat, D. R. (2018). Making a bridge between livelihoods and forest conservation: Lessons from non-timber forest products’ utilization in South Sumatera, Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics, 94, 1-10. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T., Oldekop, J. (2018). “Forest landscape restoration for livelihoods and well-being.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 32, 76–83. PDF

Nurrochmat, D. R., Nugroho, I. A., Purwadianto, A., Maryudi, A., & Erbaugh, J. T. (2017). “Shifting contestation into cooperation: Strategy to incorporate different interest of actors in medicinal plants in Meru Betiri National Park, Indonesia.” Forest Policy and Economics, 83, 162-168. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T., & Agrawal, A. (2017). “Clarifying the landscape approach: A Letter to the Editor on ‘Integrated landscape approaches to managing social and environmental issues in the tropics.'” Global Change Biology, 23, 11, 4453-4454. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T., Nurrochmat, D., and Purnomo, H. (2016). “Formalization, Regulation, and smallholder timber production in northern Central Java.” Agroforestry Systems, 91, 5, 867-880. PDF

Nurrochmat, D. R., Dharmawan, A. H., Obidzinski, K., Dermawan, A., & Erbaugh, J. T. (2016). “Contesting national and international forest regimes: Case of timber legality certification for community forests in Central Java, Indonesia.” Forest Policy and Economics, 68, 54-64. PDF

Ekayani, M., Nurrochmat, D. R., Saharjo, B. H., & Erbaugh, J. T.  (2015). Assessing Conformity of Scientific Voices and Local Needs to Combat Forest Fire in Indonesia. Jurnal Manajeman Hutan Tropika, 21(2), 83-91. PDF

Nurrochmat, D.R., Yovi, E.Y., Hadiyati, O., Sidiq, M., Erbaugh, J. T. (2015). “Changing policies over timber supply and its potential impacts to the furniture industries of Jepara, Indonesia.” Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropis, 21(1), 36-44. PDF

Other Writing

Erbaugh, J. T. (2018) Forest Landscapes and Institutional Transitions: Essays Examining Sociopolitical and Forest-Cover Change in Indonesia. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Michigan. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T. (2016, July 26th). Book Review: The challenges behind Indonesia’s agricultural matrix. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved from:

Erbaugh, J. T. (2013). Governmentalization Beyond the Political Forest: The Formalization of Smallholder Timber Production in Northern Central Java. Master’s Thesis, University of Oxford. PDF

Erbaugh, J. T. (2008). Understanding the Land Ethic. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Available at: